

deuxième cycle de stéroïdes – obtenir ii massif


2 packages of ENAPRIME
2 paquets de DECAPRIME
1 package of OXYMEPRIME
1 package of TESTEOLIN
2 vials of HCG 2000 UI
Tamoxifen 10mg tabs

Description du produit

Semaine La testostérone-énanthate Deca-Durabolin Anadrol Propionate de testostérone
1 500mg 200mg 50mg
2 500mg 200mg 50mg
3 500mg 200mg 50mg
4 500mg 200mg 50mg
5 500mg 200mg
6 500mg 200mg
7 500mg 200mg
8 500mg 200mg
9 500mg 200mg
10 500mg 200mg
11 300mg
12 300mg


Notes on Cycle:

* Very well-suited for mass but can be used when dieting as well. In either case the end result will largely be dictated by your diet.

* Due to the aromatizing nature of these steroids SERM’s or AI’s may be needed and should be kept on hand. Tamoxifen is the SERM of choice but if stronger AI’s are needed Arimidex and Letrozole will both work well.

* The switch from Testosterone-Enanthate to Testosterone-Propionate at the end will allow the PCT process to begin approximately 3 jours après votre dernière injection.

Post Cycle Therapy Plan:

Semaine hCG Tamoxifen
1 350IU/ed
2 350IU/ed (the first 3 days of the week only) 40mg / et
3 40mg / et
4 20mg / et
5 20mg / et

Notes on Post Cycle Therapy:

* hcg is only used for 10 journées, 10 straight days